I was in Los Angeles last week and had the opportunity to do a little AVR at Deep End Music thanks to one of my dear friends, Dave B. Mitchell. I had the great privilege of being coached by casting director, Todd Resnick. Something that I feel that I am getting a firmer grip on but must constantly remember is to be myself in these sessions. Even if you change your voice for a character/role, you still need to be you and own that sound. I think for many actors, that is the biggest challenge we face is figuring out who you are after the media, society, family and friends have poked and prodded at you trying to mold you into who they think you are or should be. Todd reminded me of that - to be confident that I have what I need to succeed. I feel very blessed to have opportunities like that and look forward to more in the very near future.

Great group to work with - Script writer, Nicole (on left) and Alex commanding the board.